jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Postgraduate Studies

Hi today I'm going to talk about my postgraduate studies.

Since I was a child I always wanted to study more than one career, but I was doubtful between studying something related to health or something related to the humanist because they are my two biggest passions.

But the last few years have helped me to realize that I can be much more useful in something related to the humanist like the law career. I find that this career would be much more interesting. Also, I realized that I hate blood so it would be impossible for me to study something related to health.

If I came to fulfill this dream I would like to study in this same university although the mere idea of attending classes again and practically every day of the week discourages me a lot.

I find that the idea of solving problems, seeking justice and defending the rights of people is very attractive, especially when situations likes the ones the country is experiencing right now occur.

Well, I think that's all. Until next time!

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

My future job

Hi today I'm going to talk about my future job.

I don't usually think much about my future. I like to let things happen in order to surprise me along the way and not be disappointed if I don't achieve what I want.

But If I imagine I think I would like to work with friendly people, in a place where I feel comfortable and hopefully preferably doors outside because I get stressed out easily if I am in one place. that would be my ideal job. But on other hand I would also like to have a flexible schedule and free time to go out and rest. 

But I know that will be difficult.

Since I was a child my dream has been to travel around the world so I would like to have the possibility of knowing the greatest number of countries and cultures, especially Canada, England, Norway, South Africa, South Korea, among many others.

I am not sure if i would like to work in written or audiovisual journalism. I still have to decide that over time because I like both journalisms. 

Regarding my salary I just want to earn enough to travel to other countries and buy things for my family and for myself. I don't ask too much. 

That's. See you next time!

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

My Bucket List

Hi today I'm going to talk about my bucket list.

To be honest I don't have a bucket list. I think that is a little stressful because if I have one I will be thingking achieving everything in the shortest possible time and I will be sad if I dont do it. 

But I can say that I have been thinking to travel to Canada some day to see the Northern Lights, because when I was a child I saw a movie that show this lights. It woud be amazing if I can travel with my friends or my mom if she can go. But for make it possible I have to save money and made a lot of other stuff here in Chile first. 

Other things that I have on my mind is to buy my own house in the next years. Have a pet, maybe a dog or a cat or both why not, because I have always wanted to have a pet.

I would like to learn to play guitar too, I have one in my house but I don't know nothing about it so the guitar is just there for decoration. I would like to go to a BTS concer or to a Ariana Grande concert in the next year if they come to Chile. I hope they do it or I will die haha

That's for now. Maybe I never achieve all but I will be happy if only one becomes reality.

miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite book

Hi today I'm going to talk about my favorite book.

I don't usually read much but when I do I prefer to read books that leave me an important message or tell me something I didn't know before, or books that are so entertaining that I can't stop reading them.

I think my first book (with more than 10 pages) was "Papelucho". I laughed a lot with his adventures and asked my mom to buy me all the books in the series. I could read them a lot of times a week.

Well, I think I don't have a favorite book at the moment but I want to mention "La Tregua" by Mario Benedetti. I read this book when I was in school and it was definitely marked in my memory. I love the way it is written and all its history. I think that is why I could mention Mario Benedetti as my favorite author.

The last book I read completely was Hiroshima by John Hersey. It is a book that tells the story of six people who survived the atomic bomb disaster in a Japanese city. I read it for the University but I think it tells a story so powerful that everyone should know.

That's it Bye!

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite movie...

Hi everyone today I'm going to talk about my favorite movie.

Well, my favorite movie is "Back to the future". I used to see that movie when I was a child in my grandparent's house so it brings me a lot of memories. I like it because talks about time travel and has many funny scenes that always make me laugh. So, I can say that is my favorite movie ever.

I like all kind of movies except horror movies because I'm so easy to scare and if I see one I can't sleep in the night. Also, I love animated films I think that always is a good moment to see one.

The most recent movie that I saw was "Secret Obsession" it's a netflix movie. I think it was not credible enough, some scenes I found very simple. I really don't recommend unless you want to watch a movie to pass the time or chill out.

I would like to see more movies but all the homework keeps me busy so I can't wach as many movies as I want.

Resultado de imagen para back to the future

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

The best concert ever

Hi everyone today I'm going to talk about my best concert experience EVER.

To be honest I have only gone to two concerts in my life. My first concert was in 2014 and was a very bad experience. I went to VIP and I couldn't enjoy the show because all the people were pushing me and the cellphones wouldn't let me see. 

But my second experience was much better. When the show was announced I chose not to go but the day before I was so excited that I bought a ticket. That was the best decision.

The concert was on March 23 of 2018 in Movistar Arena. I went with my friend Francisca and together enjoy one of the best nights on our short lifes. We saw so many artist because it was like a festival of korean music call "Music Bank" but our favorite group was Twice. 
Twice is a girlgroup of 9 members. They can sing but also dance.

Inside the arena the atmosphere was so amazing, all the people was dancing and singing even screaming their songs. I was so happy because I could see them with my friend and in a good place that made me feel so comfortable. :)

Resultado de imagen para twice

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone.

I have never taveled outside of Chile but if one day I could travel (and I hope to do it) I would like to visit the largest state of the United States Alaska because one of my dreams is to see the Northern Lights. I know it is a very cold place so that is why if I go one day I will have to take warm clothes. Well, like I say before I would like to spend a night watching the Northern Lights and if it is possible with my best friends. I know we would love all the lights and colors.  Also, I would like to see the reindeers it would be a dream come true. I don't like cold climates and all the snow so I don't think I would stay to work or study much less live in there. Also, I would miss my family very much. 
I hope one day I could make it.