miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite book

Hi today I'm going to talk about my favorite book.

I don't usually read much but when I do I prefer to read books that leave me an important message or tell me something I didn't know before, or books that are so entertaining that I can't stop reading them.

I think my first book (with more than 10 pages) was "Papelucho". I laughed a lot with his adventures and asked my mom to buy me all the books in the series. I could read them a lot of times a week.

Well, I think I don't have a favorite book at the moment but I want to mention "La Tregua" by Mario Benedetti. I read this book when I was in school and it was definitely marked in my memory. I love the way it is written and all its history. I think that is why I could mention Mario Benedetti as my favorite author.

The last book I read completely was Hiroshima by John Hersey. It is a book that tells the story of six people who survived the atomic bomb disaster in a Japanese city. I read it for the University but I think it tells a story so powerful that everyone should know.

That's it Bye!

4 comentarios:

  1. OMG, I love any book of Papelucho, I remember I read this books when I was sad or boring and is so cool and funny <3

  2. OH, I read Papelucho too when I was a child. I think my favorite one was "Papelucho y su hermano hippie". So cool.

  3. Really, I hate Papelucho, haha. But Mario Benedetti, I really love him. I didn't expect that Benedetti was your favorite author.


  4. Mario Benedetti is also one of my favorite authors, in the school I had to read several of his tales and they are very good!
