viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

My Bucket List

Hi today I'm going to talk about my bucket list.

To be honest I don't have a bucket list. I think that is a little stressful because if I have one I will be thingking achieving everything in the shortest possible time and I will be sad if I dont do it. 

But I can say that I have been thinking to travel to Canada some day to see the Northern Lights, because when I was a child I saw a movie that show this lights. It woud be amazing if I can travel with my friends or my mom if she can go. But for make it possible I have to save money and made a lot of other stuff here in Chile first. 

Other things that I have on my mind is to buy my own house in the next years. Have a pet, maybe a dog or a cat or both why not, because I have always wanted to have a pet.

I would like to learn to play guitar too, I have one in my house but I don't know nothing about it so the guitar is just there for decoration. I would like to go to a BTS concer or to a Ariana Grande concert in the next year if they come to Chile. I hope they do it or I will die haha

That's for now. Maybe I never achieve all but I will be happy if only one becomes reality.

2 comentarios:

  1. That's some interesting goals to achieve, good luck with that! (*^‿^*)

  2. My dad one day out of nowhere brought a dog into the house, so maybe anytime a dog or a cat comes into your life, everything can happen.
